National Risk Index

Project Details
FACTOR leads the data modeling initiative associated with the Federal Emergency Management Association’s (FEMA) National Risk Index (NRI) project. The NRI was developed to help better understand the risks posed to all communities in the U.S. by each of eighteen different natural hazards (e.g., tornadoes, cold waves, drought, hurricanes, flooding, etc.). Traditional risk assessments consider one hazard at a time. The NRI is unique in its ability to convey singular and composite risks while also considering social vulnerability and community resilience. The NRI initially evaluated hazard frequency, exposure and risk at the Census Tract and County levels. FACTOR transformed the NRI by geospatially processing hazard frequency and exposure to each of the eighteen natural hazard types at the Census Block level and significantly improving the efficacy of the risk calculation procedures. The 150-fold increase in data required the development of innovative big data processing procedures and storage techniques.
What is the National Risk Index?
The NRI is an online mapping application from FEMA which identifies communities at risk for impacts as a result of a natural hazard.
Visit FEMA’s website to learn more about the National Risk Index
and access the National Risk Index Map
Here are some of the tools and techniques we use within The National Risk Index
Risk is inherent in operating business, the government and other institutions. Our clients rely on FACTOR’s in-depth experience to develop and use the right tools to address safety and security risks.
ArcGIS for Desktop
ArcGIS for Desktop is ESRI’s standard desktop software environment. ESRI is the leader in geographic information systems. FACTOR is a long-term ESRI business partner and uses the full suite of their products and development tools.